This is the average cost of fuel for Petrol & Diesel prices in: Leeds postcode area: LS28 [petrolprices type=”postcode” value=”LS28″]

So thats the area average cost of fuel, but do you need or want to know which fuel station in the Leeds area is the cheapest?

Thanks to our friends at Petrol Prices they will be able to tell you exactly which fuel station is selling what fuel at what price. So now there are no excuses for not knowing which petrol station is offering the cheapest price per litre.

A great website that is easy to use and within seconds tells me what the local area prices are.

I always check on Cost Of Fuel before I fill my car up.
Several times I have found my journey destination has cheaper average fuel costs than where i live, so I wait until I get there to fill my tank

Our company are now using Cost Of Fuel every day to tell our drivers where to fuel our vans for the lowest price.

We hope that you find the Cost Of Fuel website as useful as the people above have found it.

code 1: COF34576299847

code 2: XBH66798876745

Retrieval: 56466


Fuel prices do vary from region to region and even in towns that are only a few miles apart.

Sometimes fuel can be cheaper in a more rural location than in an urban one.

Local retail dynamics also play a part in determining the cost of fuel at the pump. Local prices are very much determined by the presence of supermarkets, keen to compete on price, or an independent forecourt retailer that is determined to offer the cheapest fuel.

If local supermarkets selling fuel did not compete strongly on price this could lead to drivers paying more.

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